and/or select categories from below





The recipes of à la carte can be searched in three ways: via a text search, an options search, or a combination of the two methods. Before using any of the methods, select a language by clicking on the “flag” in the upper-right corner. The flag indicated is the language to switch to, not the language currently be used. The default is fançaise. The language refers only to the search of the recipe titles and categories. All recipes are presented in English with French titles.

To use the text search, enter one or more search terms in the input box. Multiple search terms must be separated by a comma. A search term may be a single word or multiple words. The search is case and accent insensitive.

When searching with multiple terms, the resulting recipe title found will contain all the terms entered in the input box. Searching with the term “braised, chicken” will produce a list of recipe titles that contain both the term “braised” and the term “chicken”. Searching with the term “braised chicken” will only produce a list where that exact phrase is used in the title.

If a term is preceded by a minus sign, the results will exclude recipe titles that contain the negated term. For example, searching with the term “braised, chicken” will produce a list of recipe titles that contain both the term “braised” and the term “chicken”. Searching for the term “braised, -chicken” will produce a list of recipe titles that contain “braised” but do not contain “chicken”.

In addition to searching for recipe titles based on search terms, you can also select options from the pull-down menus. Use these menus to narrow the list down to recipes that contain specific ingredients and or are served at specific course during the meal.

The two different types of searches can be combined to further narrow the search results.

Any recipe selected can be bookmarked by clicking on the “bookmark” on the recipe-display page. The button will change from light red to red to indicate the bookmark is set. Touching the button again clears the individual bookmark. Once bookmarked, the recipe will remain on the bookmark list for 30 days, or until you clear the recipe or list. When a bookmark list exists, a red “bookmark” will appear on the search screen.